Porn Philosophers

I’ve been on the internet for well over 15 years now and have, like most guys, been spammed by porn sites. Even though I don’t frequent those neighborhoods of the internet I will once a day check my new “followers” in Twitter and probably two out of the three new ones will be a porno site. Sometimes it is obvious because of the name and other times it is more discreet but once you look on the person’s profile page the link tocan busters or anal assassinswill tip me off that this is nothing more than a newer version of the old spammers and I promptly block them.

I’ve noticed recently that some of the profiles will have tweets with some philosophical messages on life and the world which always reminds me of porn site that got a hold of my work email.  Being a work email I couldn’t just go create another yahoo account I had to use it but I was at one point getting 10-20 emails with full pictures of vaginas and a-holes pointing right at me and other taking a quick look I would move them to the spam filter.

I noticed that at the bottom of the emails they would include quotes that were amazing. Inspiring even. I’ve been to quote websites and like most people signed up for a quote of the day email at some point but no one ever matched the porn spam that I received for about a year.

It got to the point that I started writing down the good ones, in a now long gone file, before deleting them. Over time the 10-20 emails dwindled to 1-2 a week to getting rid of them once and for all.

Mr. Porno Philosopher man….I don’t know who you are but I respect you bringing something different to your craft.

About Mr Writing III

Freelance/Freerange writer from parts unknown and weight unknown. This blog is Mr Writing III vents his personal beleifs but his passion is writing fiction. His short story "Borgs of Summer" was twice ranked in Amazon's top 100 in Kindle/Baseball category.
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